Eurorack Sampler Module Comparison

Martin Doudoroff

Related discussion thread: Eurorack sampler comparison (ModWiggler forum)


2024-06-17 added Sebsongs Sampler, Percussa XMX and SoundForce Samples II
2023-10-01 added Error Instruments Brinta
2023-09-04 added 4ms Sampler
2022-07-16 added Mutable Instruments Beads
2022-05-31 minor updates
2022-05-29 added ADDAC112 and Miso Cornflakes
2021-07-28 added Two of Cups
2020-06-04 added 2hp Loop; additional updates
2020-04-25 added Bitbox Mk2 and Bitbox Micro
2020-04-24 added Disting EX
Show full revision history


This is an exhaustive comparison grid for Eurorack sampler options. The goal is to provide enough information to identify and narrow the options that interest you.

Not all modules that employ “sampling techniques” are included here; for example, digital delays also sample audio, but this is not a digital delay comparison. Only some of these modules can record/capture audio, but they can all replay audio on demand.

Eurorack samplers generally fall into—or overlap—five main types:

Many modules do some or all of the above, but there’s nearly always some sort of bias built into the user interface.

Samplers (with recording/capture)

ProductTypeRecordingMax record lengthClocked recordingSimultaneous samples (playback)Triggered LatencyOutputsCV supportstorage/file formatShippingApprox. Price (USD)Additional Notes
1010 Music Bitbox

26 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 24-bit 48kHz stereo hours clocked/quantized 16 5 milliseconds 4 mono or 2 stereo or combo 4 to 8 assignable (pitch, slice selection) non-volatile buffers; FAT32 microSD, WAV Yes 600
  • can start/stop recording based on clock
  • can stream up to 4 samples from microSD card
  • Ableton export
  • Arturia-style TRS MIDI support
  • ships with sample content
1010 Music Bitbox mk2

26 HP
Web site >
file player 24-bit 48kHz stereo hours clocked/quantized 24 5 milliseconds 4 mono or 2 stereo or combo 4 to 8 assignable (pitch, slice selection) non-volatile buffers; FAT32 microSD, WAV Yes 600
  • DC coupled (can record and play CV)
  • can start/stop recording based on clock
  • can stream up to 4 samples from microSD card
  • Ableton export
  • Arturia-style TRS MIDI support
  • ships with sample content
1010 Music Bitbox Micro

18 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player, granular 24-bit 48kHz stereo hours clocked/quantized 24 5 milliseconds 6 mono or 3 stereo or combo, plus master stereo up to 8 assignable (pitch, slice selection, etc.) but shared with clock, trigger and audio input non-volatile buffers; FAT32 microSD, WAV Yes 400
  • DC coupled (can record and play CV)
  • can start/stop recording based on clock
  • can stream up to 4 samples from microSD card
  • Ableton export
  • Arturia-style TRS MIDI support
  • ships with sample content
2hp Loop

2 HP
Modular Grid >
looper 24-bit 48kHz mono 5 minutes patched 1 1 mono Yes 150
4ms Sampler

16 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 24-bit 48kHz stereo hours patched 1 1 millisecond 1 stereo file, pitch, direction, start, length volatile buffers; FAT32 microSD, 44.1Khz 24-bit (or 16-bit), up to 60 banks of 10 samples Yes 300
  • available pre-built or DIY
4ms Stereo Triggered Sampler

20 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 2 × variable up to 32-bit 96kHz hours patched 1-2 1 millisecond 1 stereo file, pitch, direction, start, length volatile buffers; FAT32 microSD, 44.1Khz 24-bit (or 16-bit), up to 60 banks of 10 samples Yes 450
  • ships with sample content
  • end-of-sample trigger outputs

45 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
looper, granular 8-bit or 16-bit stereo up to 96Khz 5 minutes patched or clocked 1 ??? 1 stereo, 1 mono direct patch cv control over some 30 parameters class 10 FAT 32 microSD Yes 700
  • two-module set
  • extensive features (please consult manual)
ALM Busy Circuits Squid Salmple

21 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 16-bit 44.1kHz mono; cv recording 11 seconds per channel patched 8 1-2 milliseconds 4-5 mono (it’s complicated) 3 assignable (quality, reverse, level, decay, loop, etc), 3 channels with pitch cv partial non-volatile state; FAT32 USB flash drive, 99 banks of 8 samples Yes 500
  • DC coupled (can record and play CV)
  • ships with sample content
Doepfer A-112 Sampler

10 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
audio buffer 8-bit variable sample rate mono ~2 seconds patched 1 ??? 1 mono pitch volatile buffer Yes 195
  • can be used as a sort of wavetable oscillator
  • manufacturer’s software for side-loading data through SysEx defunct
  • non-volatile memory requires battery
Erica Synths Sample Drum

14 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 12-bit 48kHz mono ~5 minutes total no 2 ~1 millisecond 2 mono 6 assignable (pitch, play mode, file, start, end, attack, hold, decay, etc.) partial non-volatile state; microSD, 16-bit 48kHz WAV Yes 350
  • sample recording is not a primary function
  • includes sample content
Error Instruments Brinta

12 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
granular mono 3.5 seconds patched 1 1 stereo 4 dedicated (pitch, speed, size, mode-dependent parameter) Yes 350
  • designed principally as a stereo effect
  • five save slots
  • three granular modes
Expert Sleepers Disting mk4

4 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 16 bit 46.875kHz stereo or mono hours patched 2 ~8 milliseconds 1 stereo depends on mode (pitch, decay, file, speed, reverse, scrub, pan) volatile buffer; FAT32 microSD, 16-bit WAV (any sample rate) Yes 190
  • multi-purpose utility module (sample recording & playing is one of many functions)
  • many features require file-based configuration on a computer beforehand
  • multi-sample playback support
  • DC coupled (can record/play CV)
  • some MIDI support
Expert Sleepers Disting EX

8 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 24 bit 96kHz stereo or mono hours patched 8 0.7 milliseconds 4 assignable mono or stereo depends on mode (pitch, decay, file, speed, reverse, scrub, pan) volatile buffer; FAT32 microSD, 24-bit WAV (any sample rate) Yes 350
  • multi-purpose utility module (sample recording & playing is one of many functions)
  • many features require file-based configuration on a computer beforehand
  • multi-sample playback support
  • DC coupled (can record/play CV)
  • some MIDI support
Ginko Synthese Sampleslicer MkII

16 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
audio buffer 12-bit mono ~15 seconds patched 1 ??? 1 mono length, pitch, start volatile buffer Yes 230
  • capable of audio rate modulation
Grayscale Supercell

34 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
granular 16-bit 32kHz stereo or mono; 8-bit 16kHz stereo or mono 1 second, 2 seconds, 4 seconds or 8 seconds, respectively patched 1 (up to 30-40 grains) ??? 1 stereo pitch and various granular synthesis parameters (varies depending on selected algorithm) 4 non-volatile backup slots (manual) Yes 470
  • real time granular processor that can freeze (and store and recall) its (short) buffer for use like a sampler
  • alternate modes (algorithms) and alternate firmware
Grayscale Microcell

14 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
granular 16-bit 32kHz stereo or mono; 8-bit 16kHz stereo or mono 1 second, 2 seconds, 4 seconds or 8 seconds, respectively patched 1 (up to 30-40 grains) ??? 1 stereo pitch and various granular synthesis parameters (varies depending on selected algorithm) 4 non-volatile backup slots (manual) Yes 370
  • real time granular processor that can freeze (and store and recall) its (short) buffer for use like a sampler
  • alternate modes (algorithms) and alternate firmware
Harvestman Tyme Sefari 2

15 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
audio buffer mono ~4 seconds (variable) patched 1 ??? 1 mono direction, loop position, tempo, etc. non-volatile backup (manual) Yes 430
  • designed for audio rate modulation
  • extensive expander available that also enables stereo operation
Instruo arbhar

18 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
granular mono 10 seconds (six ten second buffers) patched 1 (16+ grains) 40 milliseconds 1 mono or 2 pseuo-stereo pitch, intensity, spray, layer, dub, hold, dry/wet, etc. non-volatile buffers? Yes 580
  • includes 2hp expander with additional CV ins (not shown)
  • wavetable oscillator mode
  • preamp and microphone
Instruo Lúbadh

20 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
virtual tape 2 × 24-bit 96kHz mono 5 minutes patched 2 ??? 2 mono speed, length, start, clock division, erase, etc. non-volatile buffers? Yes 580
  • dual varispeed looper with one-shot mode
  • includes 2hp expander with additional CV ins (not shown)
Make Noise Morphagene

20 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
virtual tape, granular 24-bit 48kHz stereo ~3 minutes patched 1 ??? 1 stereo gain, varispeed, splice, slide, size, morph, etc. non-volatile buffer; FAT32 microSD, 32-bit 48kHz stereo WAV, up to 32 files Yes 530
  • reel “ecosystem” on
  • end-of-splice trigger
Make Noise Phonogene

20 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
virtual tape mono ~2 seconds at 44.1kHz (variable) patched 1 ??? 1 mono gain, varispeed, splice, slide, size, etc. non-volatile buffer Discontinued 530
Miso Modular Cornflakes

14 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
granular 24-bit 48kHz stereo 40 seconds patched 1(plus grains with 4 voice polyphonic pitching) ??? 1 stereo speed, pitch, size, diffuse, position, length, harmonize, distribute, etc. class 10 microSD FAT32 up to 32Gb Yes 525
  • can process live audio or play back from buffer
  • time stretching, pitch shifting and harmonization (quantized or not)
Modcan CV Record

10 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
audio buffer two mono or one stereo 400hz to 44.1kHz at unknown bitdepth 4 seconds at 44.1kHz (variable) patched 2 ??? 1 stereo or 2 mono speed (not 1v/o), start, end non-volatile backup (manual) Yes 440
  • DC-coupled and designed for CV not audio, so no anti-aliasing filter
  • third channel for recording and playing a parallel gate stream
Mordax GXN

20 HP
Modular Grid >
granular stereo ??? patched 1 ??? 1 stereo ??? TBD;microSD No 600
Mungo s0 Sample/Slicer

12 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
virtual tape, file player 16-bit mono up to 20 seconds (variable) patched 1 looper, 1 triggered sample 0.02 millisecond 1 mono pitch volatile buffer; FAT16 microSD, 16-bit WAV up to 500,000 samples Yes 750
  • DC coupled (can record/play CV)
  • looping sustain
Mungo g0

12 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
granular 16-bit mono 5 seconds at 16-bit 100kHz (variable) patched 1 0.02 millisecond 1 mono pitch, depth, width volatile buffer; FAT16 microSD, 16-bit WAV up to 500,000 samples Yes 499
Mutable Instruments Beads

14 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
granular 48kHz 16-bit stereo 24kHz mono 4–32 seconds internally clocked or externally triggered 30 0.25 milliseconds 1 stereo extensive internal Yes 360
  • wavetable oscillator mode
Mutable Instruments Clouds

18 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
granular 16-bit 32kHz stereo or mono; 8-bit 16kHz stereo or mono 1 second, 2 seconds, 4 seconds or 8 seconds, respectively patched 1 (up to 30-40 grains) ??? 1 stereo pitch and various granular synthesis parameters (varies depending on selected algorithm) 4 non-volatile backup slots (manual) Discontinued 360
  • real time granular processor that can freeze (and store and recall) its (short) buffer for use like a sampler
  • alternate modes (algorithms) and alternate firmware
  • NOTE: numerous miniaturized 8hp “uClouds” clones are on the market
Noise Reap ISD Sampler

10 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
audio buffer lo-fi mono 9+ seconds (variable) patched 1 ??? 1 mono speed non-volatile buffer Yes 120
  • bandpass-filtered around human vocal frequencies
Orthogonal Devices ER-301 Sound Computer

30 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player, granular 16-bit mono or stereo (up to six simultaneous mono tracks), external or internal (bounce); cv recording (for internal use only) hours clocked/quantized (many options) it’s complicated 8 milliseconds at 48kHz, 5 milliseconds at 96kHz, 4 milliseconds with experimental “low latency” firmware 4 assignable mono or stereo 16 multi-assignable (extensive software parameter destinations) ???; microSD Yes 890
  • generalized audio processing computer with many functions, including sampling
Percussa SSP

60 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player, granular 32-bit 48/96/192kHz (up to 16 channels or more) hours no it’s complicated ~5 milliseconds 8 assignable mono or stereo 16 multi-assignable (extensive software parameter destinations) ???; USB flash drive Yes 2000
  • multipurpose music computer (sampling one of many functions)
  • DC coupled (can record/play CV)
  • USB I/O
Percussa XMX

28 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player, granular 24-bit 48/96kHz (eight channels) hours no it’s complicated ~5 milliseconds 2 assignable 8 multi-assignable (extensive software parameter destinations) microSD; USB flash drive Yes 500
  • multipurpose music computer (sampling one of many functions)
  • DC coupled (can record/play CV)
  • USB I/O
Pulse Synthesizers Load Runner

25 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
granular 16-bit 44.1kHz mono 90 seconds ??? 1 ??? 1 mono pitch, start, length, granular density, granular range ???; USB flash drive Yes 480
Qu-bit Nebulae 2

20 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
granular 24-bit 48kHz stereo 5 minutes patched 1 ~45 milliseconds 1 stereo file, pitch, freeze, start, size, granular density, granular blend, granular overlap non-volatile buffers; FAT32 USB flash drive, 48kHz WAV/AIFF/FLAC Yes 430
  • alternate firmware
Rossum Electro-Music Assimil8or

28 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 24-bit variable rate stereo up to 192kHz ~38 minutes patched 8 0.1-0.18 milliseconds 8 assignable mono or stereo, plus stereo mix 24 multi-assignable (pitch, level, phase modulation, bit depth, pan, scrub, sample start/length offsets, and many more) partial non-volatile state; FAT32 microSD, 8-bit/16-bit/24-bit/32-bit WAV files of any sample rate Yes 900
  • DC coupled (can record/play CV)
  • eight-channel multi-timbral operation
  • phase modulation
SDS Digital Reflex LiveLoop

16 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
looper, virtual tape 16-bit variable rate 1.5kHz–48kHz ~3 minutes at 44.1kHz to 93.2 minutes at LFO rates (variable) clocked/quantized 1 well under 1 millisecond 1 stereo pitch, slice, EQ band level, start, end, length, position, granule size, granule rate/direction, stutter mode volatile buffer (8 slot non-volatile storage with add-on PCB) Yes 350
  • EQ feature
  • automatic peak slicing
  • slice sequencing
  • foot switch support
  • feedback send/return
  • flash board expansion PCB adds 8 slots of non-volatile memory for module state and TRS MIDI
Sebsongs Modular Sampler

8 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
sampler continuously variable rate (~40khz–10khz) ~3.5 to 12 seconds patched 1 1 mono start, length, pitch, clear, reset internal Yes (DIY) 120
  • build in mic for spontaneous use
Strymon Magneto

28 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
looper, virtual tape stereo 15 seconds to 2 minutes (variable) patched 1 ??? 1 stereo pitch, direction, “tape pause” volatile buffer Yes 600
  • this is really a tape delay simulator with a looper and pitch-able “phrase sampler” grafted on
  • four virtual playback heads to play with
Whimsical Raps MANNEQUINS W/

2 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
virtual tape, looper mono hours patched or through Teletype??? 1 ??? 1 mono um… yes? non-volatile buffer Yes 250
  • unique

Sample Players (no recording/capture)

ProductTypeSimultaneous samples (playback)Triggered LatencyOutputsCV supportstorage/file formatShippingApprox. Price (USD)Additional Notes
2hp Play

2 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 1 “extremely low” 1 mono file, pitch volatile buffers; FAT32 microSD, 16-bit 44.1kHz mono WAV, up to 32 files per card Yes 150
  • ships with sample content

16 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 1 ??? 1 mono file, pitch, start, length volatile buffers; FAT16 microSD, 16-bit 22.05kHz mono, 72 files per card Yes 500
  • built in VCA, envelope follower
  • expander enables gate sequencing of eight sample files
Bastl GrandPa

5 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player, granular 1 “some” (anecdotal) 1 mono 1 assignable (pitch, crush, grain size, attack, release, start, end, etc.) volatile buffers; microSD, 12-bit 22.05kHz mono WAV, up to 35 samples per card Yes 185
  • expander available that significantly expands CV support
  • DC coupled (can play CV) Two of Cups

6 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 2 2 mono microSD, 8- or 16-bit WAV of any sample rate Yes 210
  • 12-bit DAC
  • ships with sample content
Erica Synths Pico Drums

3 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 2 1-5 milliseconds 1 mono 1 assignable (pitch, decay, file, volume) non-volatile state; side-load, 12-bit 44kHz mono WAV Yes 135
  • swapping samples requires USB programmer adapter (sold separately) and computer web browser
  • includes sample content
Futureretro Transient Plus

12 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 1 ??? 1 mono 2 assignable (pitch, distortion, filtration, various kinds of audio modulations, etc.) non-volatile state; FAT16 microSD, up to 600 files of max 16MB total Yes 250
  • really a sample-based percussion module, but you can swap out the samples
  • includes sample content
Ladik D-333

4 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 1 ??? 1 mono file, pitch replaceable EEPROM chip Yes 80
  • not designed for frequently changing the sample content
Music Thing Radio Music

4 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 1 9+ milliseconds (depends on sd card) 1 mono file select FAT16 or FAT32 microSD, 16-bit 44.1kHz mono, up to 16 banks of up to 75 samples Yes 115
  • designed to play long clips directly of microSD
Qu-bit Wave

28 HP
Modular Grid >
file player 4 ??? 4 mono pitch, file microSD, 16-bit 44kHz mono WAV, up to four banks of 16 samples each Discontinued 480
  • includes sample content
SoundForce Samples II

4 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 0.15 millisecond 5 assignable outputs including mix some inputs can be repurposed for CV control microSD Yes 200
  • auto WAV conversion
Squarp Rample

14 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 4 ~1 millisecond 4 outputs assignable mono or stereo, plus mono mix 4 assignable cv inputs via modulation matrix to pitch, bit depth, filter, freeze, start, length, envelope, run and levels microSD (included) Yes 270
  • MIDI support onboard
  • supports hundreds of “kits” (sample loadouts)
  • includes sample content
Tesseract Modular Nutella Tsunami

16 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 32 mono or 18 stereo 8 milliseconds 8 mono or 4 stereo a few assignable trigger-based parameters (see manual) microSD, 16-bit 44kHz mono or stereo, up to 32 banks of 128 sounds each Yes 250
  • DIY
Tiptop Audio ONE

4 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 1 ~0.25 milliseconds (depending on mode) 1 mono 1 assignable (pitch or file) FATFS microSD, 16-bit or 24-bit WAV up to 96kHz (up to 256 files, length limited only by FATFS) Yes 175
  • DC coupled (can play CV)
  • supports gated playback and looping Quad Drum Voice

22 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 4 ??? 2 mono or 1 stereo 4 assignable (pitch, decay, file) FAT32 microSD 16-bit 44.1kHz or 48kHz WAV, up to 1024 samples organized in sets Yes 399
  • internal EQ and mix controls
  • also drum synth and wavetable engines
  • includes sample content
XOR Electronics Nerdseq

32 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
file player 4 ??? 2 mono 4 assignable (???) microSD, 8-bit or 16-bit mono or stereo WAV/RAW, twelve assignable sample slots, up to 200kB total Yes 680
  • this is really a Eurorack sequencer that happens to have built-in sample playback features

Other modules of interest

These don’t really fit in the above comparison, but are probably worth being aware of.

Non-modular alternatives

• • •