Eurorack Pitch Quantizer Module Comparison

Martin Doudoroff

This is a pretty exhaustive and up-to-date basic comparison of all your pitch quantizer module options for Eurorack. Some additional tools of potential interest are listed at the bottom.

Related discussion thread: Eurorack pitch quantizer comparison (ModWiggler forum)


2024-05-15 added Instruo Dail
2024-04-09 added dnipro qTone
2023-06-30 added Tenderfoot QQ2
2023-05-01 updates and corrections
2022-04-09 added Ladik Q-040 and Blue Lantern Quad Mk2
2022-01-20 added Flame Tame Machine (historical)
2022-01-19 added Bastl 1983
Show full revision history


The Channels column is the number of input voltages the unit will quantize for you. The Derived Parts describes the additional outputs that some units will create for you (intervals, chords, arpeggios, etc.)

The Nominal accuracy column is a simple calculation of the resolution of the DAC against the output range of the quantizer. There are many other factors that may relate to the accuracy of a quantizer, but this is a baseline. Note that a cent is 0.83 millivolts, so quantizers above that value lack the resolution to be accurate within a cent.

As with all sophisticated modules, the devil is in the details. In particular, how each of these work is beyond the scope of this comparison, but critical for your workflow. All this comparison can do is help you survey the options and identify the modules you need to research more carefully. (You may find that some of these modules are pretty whacky.)

If you’re looking for microtonal quantization, use your browser’s search feature (usually command+f/ctrl+f) to find “micro” on this page.

ProductShippingDAC resolution / nominal accuracyChannelsDerived PartsTriggered QuantizationTrigger OuputInput rangeOutput rangeScalesTranspositionApprox. Price (USD)Additional Notes
2hp Tune

2 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes ??? 1 No No 0 to +5v 0 to +5v 8 preset Dedicated 100
ADDAC 207 Intuitive Quantizer

10 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes ??? 4 three intervals Yes Yes -5v to +5v 0 to +10v 7 basic scales with pure, equal, Bohlen-Pierce, Just or “exotic” temperament; active notes are directly editable/playable with keyboard-style buttons; v/o scaling enables 24-note and 48-note microtonal scales, etc. (default) CV option 430
  • tuning mode
  • bypass
  • Buchla voltage support
  • tracking compensation adjustments
  • one assignable CV
ACL Sinfonion

42 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 16-bit:
within 0.15 millivolts
(less than one cent)
5 four-part chord generation, arpeggiator Yes, with delay comp Yes -10.24v to +10.24v -2v to +8v comprehensive modes and scales with equal temperament, just intonation, or quarter comma meantime; active notes are directly editable/playable with dedicated buttons for each channel Dedicated 1000
  • all parts share root and scale while having independent active scale notes
  • extensive sequencer for coordinating clocked or cv-based state changes
  • extensive CV modulation matrix
  • detune, glide and pitch bend support
  • bypass
  • multiple Sinfonions can be patched in a master -> slave configuration
  • tuning mode
Bastl 1983

7 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes ??? 4 Yes equal temperament and just intonation, with some low level micro-tuning capabilities (see documentation); available notes can be set by MIDI 290
  • listen inputs enable the quantizer to keep four oscillators in tune
  • quad quantizer features are just one alternate mode for this MIDI-to-CV interface
Blue Lantern Quad Quantizer Mk2

6 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes ??? Yes (only) 0 to +10v 0 to +5v 9 preset scales 120
  • tuning mode
Der Mann mit der Maschine DROID MASTER

8 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 16-bit:
within 0.31 millivolts
(less than one cent)
8 Yes Yes Yes -10v to +10v -10v to +10v implements twelve degrees out of the box CV option 420
  • multipurpose module that is user configurable through a text file (something like a script language)–a broad array of quantization scenarios can be created, possibly including microtonal
Dnipro qTone

6 HP
Web site >
No ??? 2 No Yes No -5v to +5v -5v to +5v 12TET, 16 user-defined scales (automatically saved) CV option 220
  • two assignable cv inputs for scale, glide, shift or transpose
Doepfer A-156 Dual Quantizer

8 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 8-bit:
within 39.06 millivolts
2 Yes Yes 0 to +10v 0 to +10v ~27 possible scales Dedicated 160
Erica Synths Pico Quant

3 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 12-bit:
within 2.44 millivolts
(within a few cents)
1 Yes Yes 0 to +10v 0v to 10v 8 preset scales editable with web interface; includes support for quarter tone (microtonal) scales No 135
  • cv-controlled glide
  • tolerance adjustment
Expert Sleepers Disting (various editions)

4 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 24-bit:
within 0.01 millivolts
(less than one cent)
1 Yes, with delay comp Yes -10v to +10v -10v to +10v fifteen basic scales by default; can load user-configured scala files (including microtonal); available notes can be set by MIDI Dedicated 190
  • multi-function device (quantizer is one of many modes)
  • slew/glide
  • MIDI support
Flame Chord Machine 2

12 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 12-bit:
within 2.44 millivolts
(within a few cents)
1 four part chord and one arpeggio Yes Yes 0 to +10v 0 to +10v huge list of scales; active notes set manually with keyboard-style buttons (?) (default) CV option 370
  • state progression sequencer
  • tuning mode
Flame Tame Machine

14 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Discontinued ??? 1 Yes No 0 to +4.8v 0 to +5v 28 presets and seven user slots Dedicated CV or manual 350
  • cv-controllable scale selection from five banks of seven preset slots
  • includes clock and idiosyncratic sequencing features
Industrial Music Electronics Argos Bleak

15 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 12-bit:
within 1.95 millivolts
(within a few cents)
2 two intervals Yes Yes 0v to +8v ??? 15 basic scales CV option 470
  • dedicated internal vibrato LFO
  • glide
  • octave shifting
  • tuning mode
  • bypass
  • preset sequencer
Instruo Dail

4 HP
Web site >
Yes 16-bit:
within 0.31 millivolts
(less than one cent)
1 Yes Yes -10v to +10v -10v to +10v user-programmable scales; available notes set by MIDI; 19 preset scales CV option 300
  • programmed scales can span multiple octaves
  • even spacing option for smoother arpeggios from LFOs
  • various MIDI functionality enabled through included 2HP expander
Instruo Harmonaig

18 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 16-bit:
within 0.31 millivolts
(less than one cent)
1 third, fifth and seventh (chord) No Yes -10v to +10v -10v to +10v 14 ionion and harmonic minor modes; active notes directly editable/playable with playable keyboard-style buttons It’s complicated 335
  • intervals created automatically, manually, or with cv
  • analog slew per output
Instruo Quad Performance Quantizer

10 HP
Modular Grid >
Discontinued ??? 4 No Yes ??? ??? available notes set by MIDI No 620
Intellijel Scales

8 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 16-bit:
within 0.31 millivolts
(less than one cent)
2 one interval Yes, with delay comp Yes -10v to +10v -10v to +10v 35 scales arranged in banks, directly editable/playable with playable keyboard-style buttons CV option 290
  • built-in transposable sequencer
  • one assignable CV
Intellijel uScale 2

6 HP
Modular Grid >
Discontinued 16-bit:
within 0.15 millivolts
(less than one cent)
1 one interval No No 0 to +10v 0 to +10v up to 144 user scales defined in banks with the playable keyboard-style buttons CV option 230
  • cv over interval
Kassutronics Quantizer

10 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes (DIY/builder) no DAC employed 2 Yes, with delay comp Yes -5.33v to +5.33v -5.33v to +5.33v defined with the playable bracelet-style buttons CV option TBD
  • instead of simple triggers, outputs variable-length gates
Ladik Q-010 Easy Quantizer

4 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes ??? 1 No No 0 to +5v 0 to +5v sixteen basic scales Dedicated 75
  • cv controlled octave switcher
Ladik Q-040 Quad Quantizer

4 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes ??? 4 No No 0 to +5v 0 to +5v semitones 70
  • one channel can be set to octaves or quints
Monome Crow

2 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 16-bit:
within 0.23 millivolts
(less than one cent)
2 four (whatever you script up) Yes Yes -5v to 10v -5v to 10v any scale can be scripted (including microtonal) CV option 200
  • multipurpose module that is user configurable through a script language–a broad array of quantization scenarios can be created, possibly including microtonal
Monome Teletype

18 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 14-bit:
within 0.61 millivolts
(less than one cent)
1 four (whatever you script up) Yes Yes 0 to +10v 0 to +10v any scale can be scripted (including microtonal) No (requires expander) 480
  • expanders are available to add additional CV inputs and CV outputs, theoretically adding additional channels or derived parts
Mungo w0

12 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 20-bit:
within 0.02 millivolts
(less than one cent)
1 No No -10v to +10v -9.5v to +9.5v user-defined, arbitrary scales, including microtonal and non-uniform No 500
  • “swiss army knife” signal generator capable of many functions, including loadable lookup table
Ornament & Crime

14 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes (DIY/builder) 16-bit:
within 0.15 millivolts
(less than one cent)
2 or 4 depending on mode ASR, chords, or neo-Riemannian transformations depending on mode Yes, with delay comp Yes, depending on mode -3.5v to +6.5v -3v to +6v 100+ baked in scales (editable in UI) including microtonal Yes, depending on mode 300
  • assignable cv varies by mode
  • hackable source code
  • alternate firmware
  • readily available from professional builders
  • also available in 8hp uO_C form factor (recommended!)
Shakmat Bard Quartet

10 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 16-bit:
within 0.15 millivolts
(less than one cent)
4 Yes Yes (shared/assignable) -3v to +7v -3v to +7v Active semi-tones are selected with playable keyboard-style buttons; available notes can be set by MIDI (with expander) Yes, pre- or post-quantization (selectable) 390
  • select between eight different module states with knob or over CV
  • save/recall 80 states
  • per note micro-detuning feature
  • arpeggiator
  • Hz/V and 1.2V/Oct support
  • expander available
Sonic Potions Penrose

6 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes (DIY) 8-bit:
within 39.06 millivolts
1 Yes Yes 0 to +10v 0 to +10v Active semi-tones are selected with playable keyboard-style buttons No 95
Synthesis Technology E102 Quad Temporal Shifter

14 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Discontinued 14-bit:
within 0.61 millivolts
(less than one cent)
1 3 time shifted outputs (shift register) Yes No -6v to +6v -6v to +6v Chromatic No 300
  • Shift register features
  • tuning mode
Tenderfoot Quad Quantizer

12 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 12-bit:
within 2.44 millivolts
(within a few cents)
4 Yes Yes -3v to +7v -3v to +7v 12 baked in scales, ephemeral user scale Dedicated 215
  • cv selection over preset scales
Tenderfoot QQ2

12 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes ??? 4 Yes Yes -3v to 7v -3v to +7v 44 baked in scales, edit at any time (ephemeral) Yes, pre- or post-quantization 310
  • cv selection between four active scales
  • each channel can have its own scale
  • cv octave switching
TipTop QuantiZer

10 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 16-bit:
within 0.08 millivolts
(less than one cent)
1 Yes No 0 to +5v, 0 to +10v, or -5v to +5v (selectable) 0 to +5v Major, minor plus 24 semi-tone-based user scale (defined with keyboard-style buttons) CV option 299
  • clocked state sequencer with transposition
  • glide support
  • tuning mode
  • TipTop SyncBus support
Toppobrillo Quantimator

8 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Discontinued 12-bit:
within 1.22 millivolts
(within a few cents)
1 2 (triad/chord or shift register) Yes Yes 0 to +5v 0 to +5v 32 scales Dedicated 230
Tubbutec uTune

8 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 16-bit:
within 0.15 millivolts
(less than one cent)
2 Yes Yes 0 to +10v 0 to +10v microtonal scale editor built-in CV option 300
  • extensive MIDI I/O including sending microtonal MIDI out
  • tuner
  • assignable CV
  • dual channel expanders available
WMD Arpitecht

12 HP
Modular Grid >
Web site >
Yes 14-bit:
within 0.43 millivolts
(less than one cent)
1 Yes Yes 0v to +5v -1v to +6v 16 scales; active notes selected via note mask selection Dedicated 300
  • extensive rhythmic pattern-based arpeggiation and glide features
  • triad (chord) expander

In addition, these modules don’t really belong in the above comparison but have been pointed out as being of potential interest:

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